Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Experience with Land Bank staff

I were in need to open a bank account last week before I had one because I need it to get my money from my paypal account. I planned to have a bank account linked to my paypal account ruther than to have credit card or debit card linked on it because having bank account linked on it is real cheaper than the other wise. It's my first to open a bank account so I still have to ask to them every thing that I have to do to open an account to them. I've wanted to create an account with Land Bank because the low maintaining balance caught my attention. At the first time I entered the bank, the staff and the security guards were very accommodating.
There were no bad treatments to me during that time but the only reason why I got mad was because I waited for nothing. The security guards and the staff didn't told me that there were already so many people waiting in line before me so that resulted me to seat back and wait until the banking hours turned off. It's not a joke to wait 3-4 hours and get but result. If they only told me that I'm no more going to make it for that particular day I won't wait that long and of course I won't get mad to them anyways. It annoyed me a lot and made my blood pressure a little bit higher.
But after a day or two, I still opened an account in the bank but I made it surely by talking to the guards and staff keen and ask to them all what I need to do. I have no against to the bank, I would like to clarify this, I'm just stating my experience with the staff in a particular branch somewhere in my place.

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