Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Just Can't Sleep...

It was a very early morning, that was after midnight if I'm not mistaken, I was still awake, maybe because I drank a bottle of cobra energy drink the morning of the day before that day. I just browsed the internet and find something to do there but still found nothing.
Still, I can't sleep. I tried to talked with my brother about anything but we just ran out of words because he was doing his assignment for school. I tried to write a song but I found myself not on the mood so after a few strums and frustrated inventing of notes on my guitar I also stopped doing it. I took a while to try to lay myself to sleep but nothing happened. I just sit around in front of my desktop again and try to do something. I played games, I watched videos on youtube and etc. but still after an hour or two of doing it, It just got me exhausted. A little more later, I turned on our television set and navigated the channel to HBO, It was a cool moment because I caught the 2008 drama film "21", the story of Ben Campbell who was accepted in Harvard Medical School but cannot afford the cost which was $300,000. He was a hard working and a topnotch student. I was very much amazed to his story, on how he passed through every struggles that has gone in his life.I enjoyed watching it. Maybe because of that I fell off to sleep at last.

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